Our team provides specialist advice and assistance on a variety of community care issues.
What is Community Care?
Brilliant team. Knowledgeable and strategic. Particularly good in cases involving mental incapacity.
– Legal 500 UK (2022)
Community Care law involves challenging the decisions of Social Services and the Government where their actions are considered to be unlawful.
Local authorities and government departments have obligations to deliver services, including:
- Respite and development support both for children in need and their parents
- Support or care services to children, whether in care or leaving care
- Care in the community
- Adaptions to the home
- Assessments and support services for people with physical or mental health disabilities
- Care home and nursing home assessments and placements
- Support with housing and welfare for people in the UK who can not receive public funds
- Suitable accommodation for people with disabilities.
What Do Our Community Care Law Solicitors Do?
Some people come to our community care solicitors for advice because a service has been cut, where they feel that the level of support services provided is inadequate for their needs, or where no assessment has been completed by Social Services.
Our team of community care solicitors regularly provides emergency assistance, acting quickly and decisively in compelling local authorities to take immediate action to meet urgent needs.
Sometimes, this involves issuing Judicial Review proceedings, a court process where a High Court Judge considers whether the local authority has acted rationally and reasonably.
Our community care lawyers often make out-of-hours applications for urgent injunctions to force a local authority to do or stop doing something.
How Can Our Team Help?
We have successfully brought proceedings against the Home Office, forcing them to provide suitable accommodation to vulnerable homeless families who are obtaining hardship support.
We have also been successful in numerous challenges of Local Authority Social Services departments, both inside and outside London, compelling them to provide appropriate support, including emergency accommodation and care/support services.
Often, our clients have been in a state of crisis, suffering from physical/mental illness, street homelessness, and destitution.
Without the threat of action and taking court proceedings against the government agencies and local government departments, our client’s circumstances would have been bleak.
If you’d like to discuss your case, get in touch.
They have a superb social welfare team.
– Legal 500 (2025)
They are extremely thorough and aren’t averse to travelling roads unknown, truly working with clients at every point. Brilliant minds and ethical approaches. Highly recommended
– Legal 500 (2025)
The team has a refreshing approach to supporting clients in very complex circumstances. Far from shying away from such cases, they demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the issues.’
– Legal 500 (2025)
The team offers expertise across the areas of law that affect individuals with care and support needs. This includes housing, mental capacity, community care, immigration, and mental health.
– Legal 500 (2025)
A strong team with invaluable cross over expertise in community care and Court of Protection.
– Legal 500 (2025)
This firm is able to offer exceptional expertise in cases which overlap housing, community care, mental capacity and related areas.
– Legal 500 UK (2023)
Legal knowledge and organisation are key skills. Compared to other firms, the level of interaction with the legal technicalities is superior and the quality of documents produced is high level.
– Legal 500 UK (2022)
Funding your case
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