We are first-class criminal defence lawyers with a national reputation for excellence.

TV Edwards is a very committed group of individuals who have a genuine desire to act in the very best interests of their clients.

Legal 500 UK (2023)

We understand that the impact of prosecution on a person can have dire repercussions in a person’s professional or personal life.

You may need specialist and tailored legal advice for the termination of proceedings, but we are here to help.

The Process Of Ending A Prosecution

There are many ways in which a person can achieve a termination of proceedings, and it is crucial that you seek legal advice at the earliest opportunity if you are to have any prospect of ending prosecution against you.

Inevitably, you will want to end the prosecution as soon as practicable.

The types of cases in which you may want to end prosecution are detailed below.


As bespoke defence practitioners, we can investigate your case.

We can interview witnesses and obtain supporting statements, we can consider the evidence that the relevant authority may have against you and give advice on that, we can make CCTV enquiries in a bid to clear your name, and we can give tailored legal advice in relation to investigatory interviews.

This material can then be carefully considered and presented to the relevant authority with a view to ending prosecution.

Avoiding Charge Or Seeking To End A Prosecution After Charge

The Crown Prosecution Service have principles they must follow when making a charging decision. There are two stages:

  1. The evidential stage – sufficient evidence to provide for a realistic prospect of conviction and
  1. Public interest stage.

Our experienced team can take instructions from you in order to draft persuasive and powerful written representations, which can be sent to the investigating authority requesting that the case be reviewed.

This is all with a view to ending prosecution.

You will clearly need detailed advice from an expert and that is where our team are able to assist.

Understanding Out Of Court Disposals


The police have the power to deal with suitable cases by issuing a police caution, either simple or conditional.

Sometimes, the police overlook this as a route to ending prosecution, and our expert team is able to consider this matter on your behalf and give you bespoke legal advice on whether bespoke representations ought to be made.

You will need careful advice about the implications of caution and admitting guilt, and our conscientious team will be able to provide you with this advice.

Even if your case is in court, representations can be made with a view to getting the police to deal with the case rather than continuing with court proceedings.

Penalty Notices

Another means of ending prosecution is penalty notices.

These can be issued in appropriate cases and can obtain the result of ending a prosecution.


Those prosecuting have a duty to provide disclosure, which may either undermine the prosecution case or assist the defence case.

It is imperative that you seek expert legal advice in relation to disclosure, as disclosure arguments are often the most successful ones in terms of ending prosecution.

We can also give you advice on obtaining third-party disclosure from social services, education establishments or medical evidence.

Contact our team today If you are seeking to end a prosecution. Contact us on 020 3440 8310 or email us at enquiries@tvedwards.com.

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