TV Edwards can provide you with expert advice on the Licensing Objectives
TV Edwards’ licensing team are our secret weapon on so many of our projects. Julian and his team make it effortless to jump through the hoops, tick all the boxes and get our licences in place with ease!
Jack Bryant – JBP Promotions
The Licensing Act 2003 focuses on the promotion of four objectives. These ‘licensing objectives’ underpin almost every single part of the Act and are of great significance to you if you are involved in licensable activity. If you apply for a new Premises Licence, your application will be expected to demonstrate how the operation of your premises will promote the licensing objectives. If you find yourself before a licensing subcommittee because your licence is under Review, that will be because it is alleged that in some way, your operation is undermining those objectives.
Each of the four objectives are of equal importance.

The four objectives are:
The prevention of crime and disorder
When considering an application for a new Premises Licence, local authorities will consider whether the operating schedule contains conditions to satisfy them that this objective is being promoted. Examples of conditions within operating schedules that promote the prevention of crime and disorder are:
- Conditions to maintain CCTV systems
- Requirements that security guards be employed at certain times.
- Requirements to search patrons on entry
Licensing authorities are advised to look to the Police as their main source of advice on crime and disorder issues.
Public Safety
Premises licence holders have a responsibility to ensure the safety of people using their premises.
Conditions in operating schedules that address the promotion of public safety can include:
- Safe capacity levels
- Means of escape
- Restrictions on flashing or bright lights

The prevention of public nuisance
Of all of the objectives, the prevention of public nuisance is probably the broadest and can encompass the biggest number of issues. Nuisance can arise from excessive noise, smells, light, litter and even vibrations. Nuisance can be caused by patrons entering premises and leaving premises, goods being delivered, and waste being collected, cooking odours, music being played, even plant and machinery.
Licensing authorities are advised to focus on the effect of activities at the specific premises on people living and working in the area around those premises.
Any conditions designed to promote the prevention of public nuisance should be tailored to the type, nature and characteristics of the specific premises and the activities it wishes to undertake.
Conditions in operating schedules that address the prevention of public nuisance can include:
- Requirements that sound limiters be fitted to music systems.
- Limits on the times entertainment can take place.
- Requirements to sweep and clean outside areas.
- Restrictions on deliveries and waste collection.
- Special conditions for outside areas.

The protection of children from harm
The protection of children from harm includes moral and psychological harm as well as physical harm.
Although the focus in most cases is on protecting under 18s from alcohol, there is now a very broad responsibility on Premises Licence holders to protect children from harm in many different ways.
Examples of relevant conditions can be:
- Restrictions on the hours when children may be present on the premises
- Restrictions or exclusions of children under certain ages.
- Requirements for an accompanying adult in some circumstances
How we can help you with the Licensing Objectives
At TV Edwards, we have many years’ experience of successfully obtaining new licences or varying existing ones. After outlining your plans to us, we will be able to advise you on the sort of conditions the police and local authority will be looking for in the circumstances of your particular case.
Generally, premises licence holders prefer to operate as flexibly as they can and do not want to be tied down by excessive and sometimes costly conditions. At the same time, applicants need local authorities to take their applications seriously and be persuaded that the operation has been properly risk assessed in order that the licensing objectives will be promoted. Often this comes down to a balancing act between the conflicting wishes of the applicant and the local authority or police. We at TV Edwards can help steer the application through the process in the way that suits you best. We are skilled negotiators and can help you get the licence you want so that you can operate in the way you want to.

Our Recent Licensing cases
- Restaurant Hackney Wick – New Premises Licence
- Café Restaurant Fulham – New Premises Licence
- Office Bar Chiswick- New Premises Licence
- Roof-top bar London Bridge – New Premises Licence
- Event space Spitalfields – New Premises Licence
- Restaurant London Fields – New Premises Licence
- Restaurant Brick Lane – New Premises Licence
- Alcohol Delivery Service Bow – New Premises Licence
- Take Away Sheffield – New Premises Licence
- Take Away Birmingham– New Premises Licence
- Take away Shoreditch– New Premises Licence
- Boxing Event Oxford – New Premises Licence
- Office and Event space Lambeth – New Premises Licence
- Drive in Cinema Ealing – New Premises Licence
- Roof Top Bar Brixton – New Premises Licence
Our Licensing Fees
Our Licensing fees vary depending on the complexity of each case. Every case is different. Some applications will be very straightforward whist others might be extremely complex. Factors will include whether the licence sought is for a premises in a cumulative impact zone, whether the application deviates from local authority policies, whether local objections are anticipated and how novel or unusual the application is. Further information on our Licensing fees can be found here. Contact us today for a no obligation estimate of our fees in your case.