TV Edwards can provide you with expert advice on making minor variations to a Premises Licence.
TV Edwards’ licensing team are our secret weapon on so many of our projects. Julian and his team make it effortless to jump through the hoops, tick all the boxes and get our licences in place with ease!
Jack Bryant – JBP Promotions
A Minor Variation of a Premises Licence is an application that will not adversely impact any of the four licensing objectives. In order to make a more substantial variation to a Premises Licence, a full Variation application would be required.

The following are examples of when a minor variation might be made:
- Small changes to the structure or layout of the licensed premises
- Small adjustments to licensing hours (although one cannot use a minor variation to extend the hours for the sale of alcohol)
- Add certain licensable activities such as performance of plays or film exhibitions
- Remove or amend out-of-date or irrelevant conditions.
You cannot use the minor variation process for more substantial changes such as:
- Extending the period for which the licence has effect
- Substantially varying the structure or layout the premises to which the licence relates
- Adding the supply of alcohol as an activity authorised by the licence.
How to make a Minor Variation to a Premises Licence
Applications are made to the local authority in which the premises is situated. The licensing authority will initially consider the application and determine whether the Minor Variation could adversely impact on the licensing objectives. They will then go on to consult with Responsible Authorities such as the police or environmental health teams who may have an interest in the application.
A notice must be displayed at the premises for a period of 10 working days beginning on the working day after the minor variation application was submitted. Any person such as local residents may make representations to the licensing authority within this time period, and the licensing authority will consider any such representations so long as they are relevant.
Unlike a full variation, a minor variation application does not need to be advertised in a local newspaper.
The licensing authority must make a decision within 15 working days, beginning on the working day after the application was submitted to the licensing authority.
If the licensing authority rejects your application, they must provide reasons for that decision.

How we can help vary your Premises Licence
Our licensing team has many years’ experience in submitting and negotiating successful minor variation applications. We can advise you on making a variation to your current licence, draft and submit the application on your behalf and deal with notices and any other paperwork. We are skilled negotiators who will engage with responsible authorities to promote your interests and obtain positive outcomes for you.
Recent Licensing cases
Minor variation of an existing Rugby Club licence to permit it to operate as a drive-in cinema by adding the performance of films to its Premises Licence.
Our Licensing Fees
Our fees for advice and assistance with an application to vary a premises licence will vary, depending on the complexity and nature of the case. We understand that no two cases are the same. You might simply require some general advice on your project and then proceed to make the application yourself. You might prefer us to take care of everything on your behalf so that you can focus on your business safe in the knowledge that your application is being handled by the experts.
Further information on our Licensing fees can be found here. Contact us today for a no obligation estimate of our fees in your case.