Joseph is a Trainee Solicitor in the Social Welfare department at TV Edwards. He started his training contract in September 2024 and supports Amanda Ford with her housing cases, and Katie Brown and Aneela Samrai with their housing and community care work. Joseph joined TV Edwards in September 2023 as a paralegal and worked with Monica Kreel on her community care and Court of Protection cases until he moved to his second training contract seat in March 2025.
Before joining TV Edwards LLP as a paralegal in September 2023, Joseph worked as a social worker in a local authority supporting vulnerable adults. During this role, Joseph:
- Supported vulnerable adults, and their families, with needs arising from physical disabilities, mental health needs, learning disabilities, autism, sensory impairments, palliative care, and drug and/or alcohol dependency.
- Worked with victims of domestic abuse and people with no recourse to public funds (NRPF).
- Carried out Care Act 2014 assessments of needs, support planning, and reviews to identify an individual’s needs and what support is required to enable them to achieve positive outcomes.
- Completed section 42 safeguarding enquiries including protection planning and reviews including identifying risks and formulating actions to promote an individual’s safety and well-being.
- Carried out Mental Capacity Act 2005 assessments regarding an individual’s capacity to make specific decisions around their care, accommodation, financial management, tenancies, and social contact.
- Gained experience of Continuing Healthcare (CHC) checklists and participated in Decision Support Tool (DST) assessments including advocating on an individual’s behalf to ensure they obtained support in accordance with their needs.
- Completed Court of Protection work including submitting witness statements, transition plans, deputyship applications, and making oral submissions at Court hearings.
- Drafting supporting statements for vulnerable adults making housing and/or homelessness applications to evidence priority need.
- Drafting supporting letters for vulnerable adults to file as evidence when appealing welfare benefit decisions at the First-Tier Tribunal (Social Security and Child Support).
Areas of expertise
Joseph has good communication skills informed by empathy with a particular skill of engaging with vulnerable clients who have experienced traumatic events in their lives. He can adjust his communication style according to the needs of the client, and can identify alternative community services that may be able to support a client with specific issues relating to their unique circumstances.
Joseph’s interest in working in social welfare law grew out of his professional practice as a Social worker. He became increasingly interested in aspects of the role which entailed increased involvement of the Court of Protection such as moving individuals into residential accommodations in their best interests or supporting applications for property and financial affairs and/or health and welfare Deputyships. This led Joseph to undertake the GDL and, subsequently, the LPC with a view to using the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained as a Social Worker to continue supporting vulnerable clients and their families whilst fostering his professional development in a different working environment.
- BA Social Worker, First Class Honours, 2015
- Best Interests Assessor Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, 2017
- Graduate Diploma in Law, Distinction, 2021
- LLM LPC (Pass)